English Spanish and French

April 2006


1951. Masters Degree (Anthropology). Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico, D.F.

1958. Ph.D. (Anthropology). Faculty of Political Sciences, Columbia University, New York, NY.

1981. Doctorat d'Etat Université de Paris, René-Descartes, Paris.


2003. Doctor Honoris Causa. University of Magallanes, Punta Arenas, Chile.

2005. Orden José Ceclia del Valle en grado de Caballero. Foreign Relations Ministry, Tegucigalpa, Honduras as well as other honors by the Instituto Hondureño de Antropologia e Historia and the University of Honduras mainly for my work with the Tolupan of Montaña de la Flor and the Lencas of Intibuca.

2005. Orden de Mérito Docente y Cultural Gabriela Mistral en el grado de comendador. Given at the Chilean Embassy in Paris, by the Ministry of Education of Santiago, Chile.


Since the late 1950s to the present: Research Institute for the Study of Man, 162 East 78 Street, New York, NY 10021.

In 1961 November, I became associated with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris, as an attachée, was later promoted to chargée and retired in 1987.

Maison René Ginouves. Archéologie et Ethnologie, Université de Paris X, 92023 Nanterre, since 2000.


First film. 1977 The Ona People: Life and Death in Tierra del Fuego, docmentary, l6 mm, l hour. Co-direction: Ana Montés de Gonzalez : camera man Jorge Prelorán, collaboration Oscar Gamaro. The seven Selk'nam and mestizos who participated in the film have all "passed away" (2004): filmed between 1968 and 1972, first presented at the Wenner Gren Foundation, New York, May 1977: available as a film & video in English and Spanish at Documentry Educational Resources (DER), 101 Morse Street, Watertown, MA 02172 (tel. 617-926-0491) and in French at CNRS-Audiovisuel, 1 Place Aristide Briand, 92195 Meudon, France)

Second film. 1990 Hommage to the Yahgan: the Indians of Tierra del Fuego, 40 minute documentary: directed and written by A. Chapman: filmed in 16 mm in the summer of 1987 and the winter of 1988. First presented in French in 1991 at the former administration building of the CNRS, 15 Quai Anatole, Paris. Co-production with the CNRS-Audiovisuel. Available only in video: in English and Spanish at DER cited above and in French at CNRS-Audiovisuel, 1 Place Aristide Briand, 92195 Meudon, France.

Project for a third film. Beginning in mid-2004. I am fortunate to have the assistance of Sonia Aleaga, who has completed a degree on cinema here in Paris, is Chilean and an admirer of the Fuegian cultures. At Meudon mentioned above, we have begun selecting the 16 mm rushes from the Yahgan film and hope to produce one on the last descendants of the Yahgan who were my informants in Ukika, Navarino Island, mentioned below.

First two records. 1972 Selk'nam Chants of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina vol. I. Album of two records: 47 chants sung by Lola Kiepja (34 shamanistic chants, 10 laments, one lullaby and two chants learned in the mission). Includes 11 pages of notes: in collaboration with the Department of music, Musée de l'Homme, Paris: originally produced by Folkways Inc., #FE 4176. Re-issued in two cassettes by the Smithsonian Institution in 1993; Folkways Cassette Series: 04176. The Musée de l'Homme published and recorded one of Lola Kiepja's shaman chants in 1996 in small booklet (containing three CDs) entitled in French Les Voix du Monde. Une anthropologie des expressions vocales and in English Voices of the World, an anthology of vocal expression. Her chant is described in French on p. 32 and in English on p. 135.

Last two records. 1978 Selk'nam Chants of Tierra del Fuego, Argentine, vol. II. Album of two records 41 chants also sung by Lola Kiepja (40 chants of the "Hain" ceremony and one chant of the guanaco) 12 pages of notes, also in collaboration with the Department of Music, the Musée de l'Homme, Paris; also originally produced by Folkways Inc. #4179. Re-issued in two cassettes by the Smithsonian Institution in 1993; Folkways Cassette Series: 04179.


1) The theoretical works are grouped to include those based exclusively on historical documentation under the headings of those inspired, so to speak, by Karl Polanyi, my dissertations and miscellani.

2) The remainder is classed, in alphabetical order by the countries where the fieldwork took place.

The language and translations of the publications are indicated at the beginning of each item: Eg for English, Sp for Spanish and Fr for French.


Referents to the work of Karl Polanyi (1886-1964)

[Trans. in Fr & Sp, see below] 1957 "Port of Trade Enclaves in Aztec and Maya Civilizations," pp. 114-53 in Trade and Market in the Early Empires, editors: K. Polanyi, C.M. Arensberg and H.W. Pearson, The Free Press and The Falcon's Wing Press, Glencoe, IL.

[Trans. fr Eg of the above] 1959 Puertos de Intercambio en Mesoamérica Prehispánica, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Seria Historia III, Mexico D.F.

[Trans. fr Eg, of the 1957 original] 1974 "Les Enclaves des Ports de commerce dans les Civilisations Aztèque et Maya," In Les systèmes économiques dans l'histoire et dans la théorie, Polanyi et al (ed. M. Goldelier) Larousse-Université, Paris.

[Only Eg ] 1971 "Commentary on Mesoamerican Trade and its Role in the Emergence of Civilization," In Contributions of the University of California, Archaeoloical Research Facility, no. II: 196-211, Berkeley, CA.

[Only Eg] 1980 "Barter as a Universal Mode of Exchange," in L'Homme, 20(3): 33-83, Paris.

[Only Eg] 2005 "Karl Polanyi (1886-1964) for the Students," pp. 17-32 in Autour de Polanyi: Vocabulaires, theories et modalités des échanges. Université de Paris X, Nanterre. De Boccard, Paris.

[Only Fr] 2005 "Temple, Palais et Marché: Teotihuacan des archéologues et Tenochtitlan des Aztèques. Réflexions sur le modèle de redistribution de Karl Polanyi," pp.273-282, in Autour de Polanyi: Vocabulaires, theories et modalités des échanges. Université de Paris X, Nanterre. De Boccard, Paris.

The article entitled " Economy and Social Structure of the Selk'nam society," (see below, published in Spanish in 1992 and in English in 2003) also refers to Polanyi's models of reciprocity and redistribution.


[Only Sp] 1951 "La Guerra de los Aztecas contra los Tepanecas." Master's Thesis from the Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico D.F. (see. below 1959a for its publication).

[Only Sp: based on my Master’s Thesis above] 1959a "La Guerra de los Aztecas contra los Tepanecas: Raices y Consecuencias," 122 pp. Acta Antropológica, Epoca 2, vol. I (4), Mexico, D.F. Dr. Paul Kirchhoff made the commented that it is "a very valid contribution to Mesoamerican studies, in that it succeeds in presenting a detailed analysis of one the most significant episodes in the history of the Aztec people" (Kirchhoff... la habia considerado como "una aportacion muy valiosa a los estudios mesoamericanistas, ya que con exito palpable somete a un analisis minucioso uno de los episodios mas significativos en la historia del pueblo azteca") quoted by Wigberto Jimenez Moreno p. 12 in Chapman, Anne Les Enfants de la Mort, 1978 (cited below).

[Only Eg] 1958 An Historical Analysis of the Tropical Forest Tribes on the Southern Border of Mesoamerica. 183 pp. Ph.D. thesis, Columbia University, Department of Anthropology, New York, deposed in the library of Columbia University; only in micro-film.

[Only Fr] 198l Doctorat d'Etat Sur Travaux Publiés, Université de Paris- Sorbonne, not published.


[Only Sp] 1951 "La Antropología Aplicada," in Anthropos, vol. I (1):5-11, Mexico, D.F.

[Only Sp] 1960 "Los Nicarao y los Chorotega según las Fuentes Históricas," Seria Historia y Geografía de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, 115pp. vol. 4, San José, Costa Rica.

[Only Fr] 1965 "Mâts totémiques, Amérique du Nord, côte nord-ouest," in Objets et Mondes, 5, (3): 175-196, Paris. Also published the same year as Cataogue du Musée de l'Homme, série H. Amérique (2) 24 pp.

[Only Sp] 1976 "Historia o Estructura? A propósito de Mesoamérica," Boletín del Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Epoca 2, (Oct.-Dec.): 35-38, Mexico, D.F.

[Only Sp] 1986 "Lévi-Strauss hoy en día (1984)," in Palabras Devueltas, Homenaje a Claude Lévi-Strauss, CEMCA , L'IFAL, & Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico, D.F.

[Only Sp] 2003 "Más allá de la etnología," pp. 60-69 in Austro Universitaria, Revista No. 14, Universidad de Magallanes, Punta Arenas, Chile.



[Trans. in Eg & Sp, see below] 1970 "La fin d'un Monde," In Echanges et Communications: mélanges offerts à Claude Lévi-Strauss: eds. Jean Pouillon and Pierre Maranda, The Hague and Paris: Mouton. pp. 61-76

[Trans. fr Fr above, with a different title] 1971 "Lola," in Natural History, 80 (3): 31-42, New York).

[Trans. to Eg & Sp, see below] 1972 "Lune en Terre de Feu. Mythes et Rites chez les Selk'nam," Objets et Mondes 12 (2): 145-158, Paris.

[Trans. to Eg, see below] 1973 "Donde los Mares Chocan. La Tierra de los Antiguos Haush, Tierra del Fuego," Karukinka. Cuaderno Fueguino nu. 3: 5-14, Buenos Aires.

[Trans. fr Fr, see above 1970] 1973 "El Fin de un Mundo," in Ciencia e Investigación, 29 (1-2): 3-14, Buenos Aires.

[Only Sp] 1973 "Ensayo sobre algunos Mitos y Ritos de los Selk'nam (Onas)," Karukinka, Cuaderno Fueguino . nu. 6: 2-11, Buenos Aires.

[Trans. fr Fr, see above 1970, with a different title] 1973 "Lola," in Man's Many Ways, : R.W. Gould, ed. Harper & Row Publishers, New York pp. 40-52.

[Trans. to Eg, see below] 1974 "Evocación a la Memoria de Angela Loij, la Ultima Selk'nam," in Karukinka, Cuadero Fueguino, nu. 10, pp. 3-6 Buenos Aires.

[Same as the above, with a different title] 1975 "Angela Loij, la Ultima Selk'nam," in Journal de la Société des Américanistes vol. 62: 232-234, Paris (in 2002b Eg. & Sp).

[Trans. to Eg, see below] 1975 "Llanto por los Indios de Tierra del Fuego," in Journal de la Société des Américanistes vol. 62: 235-236.

[Only Fr] 1975 "Lupite, Fille de la Montagne," in Les Lettres Nouvelles, no. 4 (Sept.-Oct.): 170-185, Paris.

[Only Eg] 1975 with Thomas R. Hester "New Data on the Archaeology of the Haush: Tierra del Fuego," in Journal de la Société des Américanistes, 62: 185-208, Paris.

[Only Sp] 1977 "Economía de los Selk'nam, Tierra del Fuego," in Journal de la Société des Américanistes, 64: 135-146, Paris.

[Trans. fr Sp, see above 1975] 1977 "Lament for the Indians of Tierra del Fuego," in Film Library Quarterly, 10: 28-30, New York.

[Only Eg] 1979 "An Inventory of Hunting and Gathering Peoples, Societies and Cultures," in Social Sciences Information, 18 (2): 325-331, Paris and London.

[Only Eg] 1980-81 "What's in a Name? Problems of Meaning and Denotation apropos of a Corpus of Selk'nam Personal Names," in Journal de la Société des Américanistes, 67: 327-357, Paris.

[Only Sp] 1981 with Christos Clairis "Observaciones Etnológicas y Lingüísticas acerca de Antropónimos Selk'nam," in Estudios Filológicos, 16: 7-33, Valdivia, Chile.

[Trans. to Sp, see below] 1982a Drama and Power in a Hunting Society. The Selk’nam of Tierra del Fuego. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

[Only Sp] 1983 "La Isla de los Estados, República Argentina: Reserva Nautral y Nacional o Ganancias para unos pocos?" in La Nación, Dec. 22, Buenos Aires.

[Trans. fr Eg, edition of 1982, with a different title] 1986 Los Selk'nam: la Vida de los Onas EMECE Editores, 287 pp. Buenos Aires.

[Only Sp] 1987 La Isla de los Estados en la Prehistoria. Primeros Datos Arqueológicos. Editorial EUDEBA, 123 pp. Buenos Aires.

[Only Eg] 1987 "Selk'nam Religion" in The Encyclopedia of Religion, editor, 3 pp. Mircea Eliade, Macmillan Publishing. Co., New York.

[Only Sp] 1987 "El Chamanismo entre los Selk'nam, Tierra del Fuego," in Historia de la Religión en Mesoamérica y áreas afines, I. Coloquio, pp. II-20, ed. by Barbro Dahlgren de Jordán, Universidad Nacion Autónoma de México, México.

[Trans. to Eg, see below] 1990 El Fin de Un Mundo, Los Selk'nam de Tierra del Fuego, Vazquez Massini Editores, 315p. Buenos Aires.

[Trans. to Eg, see below ] 1992 "Economía y Estructura Social de la Sociedad Selk'nam (Tierra del Fuego)," pp.171-200 in Culturas Indígenas de la Patagonia, J. Roberto Bárcenas,ed. Sociedad Estatal Quinto Centenario, Madrid.

[Only Fr] 1992 "Quatre Peuples en Terre de Feu: les Fuégiens," in Revue Historia no. 542: 59-64, Paris.

[Only Fr] 1993 "Génocide, maladies et mémoire à propos de l'extinction des Fuégines." A one page paper presented at the International Forum on Intervention, organized by the Academie Universelle des Cultures, at the Sorbonne, Paris, Dec. 16-17.

[Only Fr] 1995 Three chapters listed below in Cap Horn 1882-1883 Rencontre avec les Indiens Yahgan. éditions de la Martinere, Paris, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle et Phtotheque du Musée de l'Homme, Paris. This book contains many photographs taken by members of the French expedition to Cape Horn 1882-83 that are among the best of the Yahgans, ten of the Alakaluf in 1881 of the eleven who were kidnapped and taken to Paris and other European Cites, and six of the last Yahgans taken by me in 1964 and 1987. My chapters are the following:

1. "Carrupale kipa parle" pp. 17-24

2. "Premiere année polaire internationale" pp. 41-46

3. "Les sept voyages du commandant Martial" pp. 49-86

[Only Eg] 1995 Review of the book Three men of the Beagle by Ricard Lee Marks in Journal de la Société des Americanists, vol. 81: pp. 367-70.

[Only Eg] 1997 "The Great Ceremonies of the Selk’nam and the Yamana. A Comparative Analysis," in Patagonia. Natural history, prehistory and ethnography at the Uttermost End of the Earth: pp. 82-109. Edited by Colin McEwan, Luis A. Borrero and Alfredo Prieto, British Museum Press, London.

[Only Fr] 2000 "Masculin Feminin Ritual et Theatre chez les Ona (Selk’nam)," in En Substances. Textes pour Francoise Heritier pp. 423-433. ed. by Jean-luc Jamard, Emmanuel Terray and Margarita Xanthakou, Paris.

[Eg & Sp] 2003 Hain. Selknam Initiation Ceremony with fity-two illustrations full-page, and a map. Some of the data of the Hain ceremony was taken from my 1982 published as Drama and Power, though this text is more complete concerning the Hain of 1923 and Gusinde’s participation. Taller Experimental Cuerpos Pintados, Santiago de Chile. The identical text was published in Spanish, same title Hain. Ceremonia de Iniciacion Selknam & same editor. Both books include a CD of Lola Kiepja’s Hain chants (see above).

[Eg & Sp] 2003 End of a World. The Selknam of Tierra del Fuego. The book comprises the eight articles and three poems , two maps and fifty-seven full page illustrations. Taller Experimental Cuerpos Pintados, Santiago de Chile. As the above books, this text was also published in Spanish, same title Fin de un Mundo. Los selknam de Tierra del Fuego by the same editor. A list of chapter titles and poems, most of which had been published previously, follows.

1. "End of a world."

Poem: "Memory of Kiepja."

2. "The Onas: life and death in Tierra del Fuego (script of a film written in collaboration with Ana Montés."

3. "Angela Loij."

Poem: "Memory of Angela"

4. "The Moon-woman in Selk’nam society."

5. "Economy and Social Structure of the Selk’nam society."

6. "Selk’nam chants of the shamans and laments."

7. "Selk’nam chants of the Great Ceremony called Hain."

8. "Where the seas clash: the land of the ancient Haush."

Poem: "Lament for the Indians of Tierra del Fuego."

[Eg & Sp] 2003 "Brief History of the Yamana from the late sixteenth century to the present," pp.-188-224 [my chapter includes thirteen illustrations] in the book entitled 12 Perspectives; on [the] Selk’nam, Yahgan & Kawesquar [Alakaluf]," eds. Carolina Ordone & Peter Mason, Taller Experimental Cuerpos Pintados, Santiago de Chile. Published as a separate book in Spanish with the same title by the same editor

[Only Sp] 2004 El Fenómeno de la canoa yagán. 27 pp. Edicines Universidad Martima de Chile, Escuela de Historia y Geografía, Viña del Mar, Chile.

[Only Sp] 2004 Geneología de mis profesores e Informantes. 38 pp Facultad de Filosolfía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires y Museo Ethnográfico Juan B. Ambrosetti, Buenos Aires.

[Only Eg] 2006. Darwin in Tierra del Fuego. Imago Mundi, Buenos Aires.

[Only Sp] In press; Lom: amor y venganza, mitos de los yamana, Tierra del Fuego. Selecion de Martin Gusinde por Anne Chapman. To be published in March 2005 by Ediciones LOM, Santiago, Chile.


[Trans. to Fr, see below]1960 "Dual Organization among the Jicaques of La Montaña de la Flor, Honduras," in Akten des 34 Internationalen Americanisten-kongresses: Vienna, pp. 578-584.

[Trans. to Sp, see below] 1961 "Mythologie et Ethnique chez les Jicaques," in L'Homme, I (1): 95-102, Paris.

[Trans. to Sp, see below] 1962 "Survivances de l'Organisation Dualiste chez les Jicaques," in L'Homme, II (1): 91-101, Paris.

[Only Fr] 1965 "Recherches ethnologiques en Terre de Feu et au Honduras, " in Journal de la Société des Américanists, 55, (1): 150-152.

[Only Fr] 1967 "Missions au Honduras et en Terre de Feu," in L'Homme, vol. 7, (1): 85-88. The same article as the above with more details.

[Only Fr] 1970 "Chamanisme et Magie des Ficelles chez les Tolupan (Jicaque) du Honduras," in Journal de la Société des Américanistes, 59: 43-64, Paris.

[Trans. fr Fr, see above1961] 1971 "Mitología y Etnica entre los Jicaques," in América Indígena, 31, (3):764-773 Mexico, D.F.

[Trans. fr Fr , see above 1962] 1971 "Supervivencias de la organización dual entre los Jicaques de la Montaña de la Flor (Honduras), " in América Indígena, 31, (3): 751-763, Mexico D.F.

[Only Fr] 1971 with A. Jacquard "Un Isolat d'Amérique Centrale: Les Indiens Jicaque du Honduras," in Génétique et Populations: Travaux et Documents, cahier nú. 60, Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques, Paris, pp. 163-185.

[Trans. to Sp & Eg see below] 1978 Les Enfants de la Mort: Univers Mythique des Indiens Tolupan (Jicaque) du Honduras, preface by Professor Wigberto Jiménez Moreno, 364 pp. Mission Archéologique et Ethnologique Française au Mexique, (now Centre d'Etudes Mexicaines et Centraméricaines : CEMCA), Calle Sierra Leona 330, Lomas de Chapultepec, 11000 Mexico D. F. Although the title is in French, the text is nearly bi-lingual as most of the myths appear in Spanish as well as French. It also includes thirty-five photographs, most of them full-page and taken by me. This is by far the most attractive and best illustrated edition of this text and it is not out of print.

[Only Sp] 1978 "Los Lencas de Honduras en el siglo XVI," in Estudios Antropológicos e Históricos, no. 2, Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia 58 pp. Tegucigalpa.

[Only Eg] 1978 with Lyle Campbell and Karen Dakin "Honduran Lenca," International Journal of American Linguistics, 44 (4): 330-332.

[Trans. fr Fr, see above 1961] 1981 "Mitología y Etnica entre los Jicaques," in Yaxkin 4 (1): 56-67, Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia, Tegucigalpa.

[Trans. fr Fr, see above 1978] 1982 Los Hijos de la Muerte: el Universo Mítico de los Tolupan- Jicaques (Honduras), Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México D.F.

[Only Sp] 1984 "Los Tolupan de la Montaña de la Flor: Otra Cultura que Desaparece?" in América Indígena, 44 (3): 467-484, Mexico D.F.

[Only Sp] 1985 Los Hijos del Copal y la Candela. Ritos agrarios y tradición oral de los Lencas de Honduras. Vol. 1 Insituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 300 pp. Photographs. The title page was painted by the Mexican artist, Zalathiel Vargas.

[Only Sp] 1986 Los Hijos del Copal y la Candela, Tradición Católica de los Lencas de Honduras, vol. II ibid & Centre d'Etudes Mexicains et Centre Américains (CEMCA), 237 pp. also with many photographs and the title page by the above artist, though some of the edition have a colored photograph of my principal informant, Lucas Dominguez Garcia and his wife Maria.

These two volumes are also still available.

[Only Fr] 1986 "Les Tolupan de la Montaña de la Flor," Ethnies, vol. IV-V: 25-28, Paris.

[Trans. fr Fr & Sp - 1978, with a different title] 1992 Masters of Animals. Oral Traditions of the Tolupan Indians, Honduras. Gordon and Breach, 311p. USA, Switzerland, Japan, etc. This edition is more complete than the previous ones though not as well illustrated as the original 1978 edition.


[Trans. to Eg] 1946 "Ce Maudit Christ" and "L'Autre Monde," in La Revue de L'IFAL (Institute Français d'Amérique Latine ) 2 (4): 4-II, Mexico, D.F. (for English translation see 1947a)

[Trans. to Eg ] 1946 "Le Petit Epi de maïs qui parle," in La Revue de L'IFAL 2 (6): 18-24 Mexico D.F.( for English translation see 1947b)

[Trans. fr Fr, above] 1947 "The Wicked Christ and a Story of the Underworld," pp. 479-784, A Treasury of Mexican Folkways, ed. Francis Toor, Crown Publishers, New York. (Eng. trans. of 1946a)

[Trans. fr Fr, above] 1947 " The Little Ear of Corn that Speaks, " ibid.

Note: I don’t recall why these three myths were never published in the original Spanish.

[Only Sp] 1951 "La Guerra de los Aztecas contra los Tepanecas." See above under "Dissertations" for publisher.

[Only Fr, in press] "Temple, Palais et Marché: Teotihuacan des archéologues et Tenochtitlan des Aztèques, réflexions sur le modèle de redistribution de Karl Polanyi," to be published in Autour de Polanyi...Université Nanterre, Paris.


For two chapters see above "Referents to the work of Karl Polanyi" and for one book see the last item of the publications on Argentina and Chile (Tierra del Fuego).


[Only Eg] "Cape Horn: encounters with the native people before and after Darwin’s Voyage." A very long text, covering four centuries, with many illustrations & seven maps. It concerns the Yahgan (Yámana) Indians since the first contact with Europeans, in 1578, to the present, as well as the Europeans - their motives for going to Tierra del Fuego and their attitudes and relations with the Yamana. Based on historical and ethnographic sources and my fieldwork with the last very few descendants of the Yahgans living on Navarino Island, Chile.

[Only Eg] "Darwin'sThe Descent of Man’ : an appraisal " article, nearly completed. I may change the title.


1986 Exposition, entitled "The End of a World," 63 photographs of the Selk'nam, landscapes of Tierra del Fuego and Isla de los Estados, inaugurated at the Museo Nacional de Antropología, Mexico, D.F., Oct. 13, 1986. Since then, it has been exhibited in various cities in Mexico and in Argentina. Most of the photographs were shown again in December 2004 in the Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires

1993 Exposition "Honduras: los Paisanos Indios," 80 photographs of the Tolupan & Lenca Indians, inaugurated April 21, 1993 at the Museo Nacional de Antropología, Mexico, D.F. Later, in November 1994, it was shown in Tegucigalpa, Honduras at the Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia.

1994 "The Tolupan of the Montaña de la Flor, Honduras" presented at the Research Institute for the Study of Man, 162 East 78th Street, New York, NY. Later all the photographs of the Tolupan as well as the Lenca were donated to Institituo Hondureño de Antropologia e Historia, Tegucigalpa.

2003 "Tierra del Fuego: Dos Miradas" Anne Chapman and Florian von der Fecht, November - December 2003 in the Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires.

2004 "Tierra del Fuego: Dos Miradas" Anne Chapman and Florian von der Fecht, June, 2004 through July 4, 2004, in Sao Paolo, Brazil at the Galeria Marta Traba/Memorial da América Latina.

2005 " Fotográfica y Erhnográfica Lencas y Tolupanes" was presented from Februrary 18 - March 21, 2005 under the auspices of the Insituto Hondureño de Anthropologia e Historia in the former Presidential Mansion in Tegucipalpa. Dr. Chapman was honored at the opening of the exhibition and later was presented with the Orden Civil de José Cecilio del Valle en el Grado Caballero, the highest civilian honor awarded in Honduras.


In France:

I was privileged to be a member of the Centre Nacional de la Recherche Scientifique from November 1961 to January 1987. The CNRS financed all of my field-work and research during these years, even though much of the latter was not published in French. At the libraries of the Musée de l’Homme, and the Maison de Science de l’Homme I was able to consult nearly all the documents I needed. The personnel was always very obliging and helpful. As of 2000 Dr. Pierre Rouillard, the director of the Maison René Ginouves. Archéologie et Ethnologie de l’Université Paris 10 a Nanterre has been very cooperative, as well as many other French colleagues associated with these institutions.

In Argentina:

The colleagues at the Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas, in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, have likewise been cooperative in many ways, through the years. It was thanks to the Navy Base and its Subprefectura, also in Ushuaia, that I was able to make the expeditions to the Isla de los Estados in 1982 and 1985. In Buenos Aires the Insituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia has never failed to support me when needed, as many friends and scholars in Buenos Aires.

In Chile:

I am especially grateful to my Yahgan friends in Ukika, near Puerto William, Navarino Island: Cristina Calderón, Ermelinda Acuña and the late Ursula Calderón and Rosa Clemente . They were most willing to share their memoires and knowledge of the "old ways" with me. I also want to thank the captain and crew assigned to the launch, El Castor, (of Chilean Navy) and the Navy authorities in Punta Arenas for the trips in the area during the years 1987 and 1988. In this same city, the l'Instituto de la Patagonia, especially its founder and former director, Dr. Mateo Martinic B., have always been extremely helpful .

In Honduras:

The Instituto Hondureño de Antropologia e Histoira in Tegucigalpa has facilitated my many trips to the Tolupan and Lenca communites and invariably supported my research.

In Mexico:

The Centre d’Etudes Mexicaines et Centramericaines (known as CEMCA), has not only been indispensable for my field-work in Honduras thanks to the first director, Guy Stresser-Pean. where the first book on the Tolupan was published and later the second volume on the Lencas. I have also been greatly helped by the Instituto de Investiaciones Antropologicas of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, the organisation that published the two Lenca volumes with the second one published in collaboration with CEMCA.

In the U.S.A.:

I was again privileged to have studied with Professor Karl Polanyi during the mid-fifties. I continue to be grateful to the Research Institute for the Study of Man (RISM) in New York, to its founder Dr. Vera Rubin, its present director, June Anderson, as well as Jane Rubin and Lewis Burgess. The assistance of the latter has made possible the elaboration of this "site."

March, 2004

26 rue CDT Mouchotte, Bat. L, dept. 106

75014 Paris


Research Institute for the Study of Man - 162 East 78th Street New York NY 10021